SPGM is currently available in over 30 languages. Since SPGM-Vid requires additions to the SPGM language files, the lines that are added need to be also translated. Here is a list of the available SPGM translations, which are required for SPGM-Vid.
- Bulgarian
- Catalan
- Chinese traditional
- Chinese simplified
- Croatian
- Czech
- Danish - Finished (v1.0.8 9/9/2006)
- Dutch - Finished (v1.0.2 7/15/2005)
- English - Finished (v1.0.0 5/02/2005)
- Esperanto
- Estonian
- Finnish - Finished (v1.0.2 7/15/2005)
- French - Finished (v1.0.4 11/08/2005)
- Galician
- German - Finished (v1.0.2 7/15/2005)
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Korean
- Latvian
- Lithuanian
- Luxembourgish
- Norwegian
- Persian (Farsi)
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Russian - Finished (v1.0.9 12/11/2006)
- Serbian
- Slovenian
- Spanish
- Slovak
- Swedish - Finished (v1.0.8 9/9/2006)
- Turkish - Finished (v1.0.9 12/11/2006)
- Vietnamese
Below is a list of the additions for SPGM-Vid, the items in
bold require translation.
- main video gallery label: Video gallery
- videos navi bar: video >CURRENT_VID< of >NB_VIDS<
- video label (as in '1 video'): video
- videos label (as in '2 videos'): videos
- new video label (as in '1 new video'): new video
- new videos label (as in '2 new videos'): new videos
- save a copy link, Internet Explorer: To save a copy, Right click here and Select "Save Target As..."
- save a copy link, Others: To save a copy, Right click here and Select "Save Link As..."
Below is also an attached copy of the modified English language file used by SPGM-Vid. Feel free to either post the translations or attach a translated copy in this thread.
Make sure to check the above list before starting the translation. If the language you are translating to is in the above list, only translate the lines required for SPGM-Vid since the other items were already translated for SPGM
Could you explain in this thread (should I suggest a sticky post) how to provide a translation of SPGM-Vid ? That's for new users to understand quite simply.
I'll be happy to work on the French one.
Hi Sylvain, glad you stopped by. I have been meaning to get to it, I'll add it to my list of things to do this evening.
Ok, here are the results of the Dutch Translator.
There is one problem, I hope I've solved correct:
The plural in dutch for "video" is "video's" (with a single quote).
So I've changed:
$cfg['locale']['videos'] = 'videos';
$cfg['locale']['newVideos'] = "video's";
$cfg['locale']['videos'] = "video's";
$cfg['locale']['newVideos'] = "nieuwe video's";
I've changed the single quote in front of the word into a double quote, so I can use the single quote in the word "video's".
And I've corrected the next:
# new pictures label (as in '2 new videos') into # new videos label.
Ok, that's it. I hope everything is correct.
Edit by jhollin1138: Removed attachment, translation included in v1.0.2 7/15/2005
Thanks Motormuis, one down 24 or so to go. I'll include "lang.du" in the next version of SPGM-Vid, should be out in few weeks (after Sylvain releases the next v1.4.3 of SPGM).
Quote from: "Motormuis"Ok, here are the results of the Dutch Translator.
There is one problem, I hope I've solved correct:
The plural in dutch for "video" is "video's" (with a single quote).
So I've changed:
$cfg['locale']['videos'] = 'videos';
$cfg['locale']['newVideos'] = "video's";
$cfg['locale']['videos'] = "video's";
$cfg['locale']['newVideos'] = "nieuwe video's";
I've changed the single quote in front of the word into a double quote, so I can use the single quote in the word "video's".
You could have also done this:
$cfg['locale']['videos'] = 'video\'s';
$cfg['locale']['newVideos'] = 'nieuwe video\'s';
Quote from: "Motormuis"And I've corrected the next:
# new pictures label (as in '2 new videos') into # new videos label.
:oops: I thought I fixed that.
Quote from: "Motormuis"Ok, that's it. I hope everything is correct.
I can't read it, so it looks fine to me. :lol:
BTW, nice avatar you "Rebel Scum!"
Hi there,
just changed the .en file to .de and translated it to the german language.
Hier das deutsche Sprachpaket 8)
Edit by jhollin1138: Removed attachment, translation included in v1.0.2 7/15/2005
@twerp: Thanks for the translation. I will include it in the next release.
Speaking of next release. I am waiting for Sylvain to release the next version of SPGM v1.4.3, to include any updated files required for SPGM-Vid. If he doesn't release an update in the next week or so, I'll just go ahead and release an update to SPGM-Vid.
translate and correct some small things :D
Edit by jhollin1138: Removed attachment, translation included in v1.0.2 7/15/2005
Quote from: "Jarppa"translate and correct some small things :D
Finally, here is the French translation !!
# SPGM-Vid Add
# main video gallery label
$cfg['locale']['VideoGallery'] = 'Galerie Vidéo';
# videos navi bar
$cfg['locale']['videoNaviBar'] = 'Vidéo >CURRENT_VID< sur >NB_VIDS<';
# video label (as in '1 video')
$cfg['locale']['video'] = 'vidéo';
# videos label (as in '2 videos')
$cfg['locale']['videos'] = 'vidéos';
# new video label (as in '1 new video')
$cfg['locale']['newVideo'] = 'nouvelle vidéo';
# new videos label (as in '2 new videos')
$cfg['locale']['newVideos'] = 'nouvelles vidéos';
# save link IE
$cfg['locale']['SaveLinkIETail'] = 'Pour enregister une copie, cliquez ici avec le bouton droit et choisir "Enregistrer la cible sous..."';
# save link NS
$cfg['locale']['SaveLinkNSTail'] = 'Pour enregister une copie, cliquez ici avec le bouton droit et choisir "Enregistrer la cible du lien sous..."';
Quote from: "spajot"Finally, here is the French translation !!
Thanks Sylvain. I'll include it with the next update.
So here I am, about one year after the latest reply.
Here comes the Swedish translation mate:
en: Video gallery
se: Videogalleri
en: video >CURRENT_VID< of >NB_VIDS<
se: video >CURRENT_VID< av >NB_VIDS<
en: video label (as in '1 video'): video
se: video
en. videos label (as in '2 videos'): videos
se: videos
en: new video label (as in '1 new video'): new video
se: ny video
en: new videos label (as in '2 new videos'): new videos
se: nya videos
en: To save a copy, Right click here and Select "Save Target As..."
se: För att spara en kopia, högerklicka och välj "Spara mål som..."
en: To save a copy, Right click here and Select "Save Link As..."
se: För att spara en kopia, högerklicka och välj "Spara länk som..."
Thanks for the great job mate.
Thanks Robert (koltroll)!
Please allow me to add the Danish translations:
en: Video gallery
dk: Videogalleri
en: video >CURRENT_VID< of >NB_VIDS<
dk: video >CURRENT_VID< af >NB_VIDS<
en: video label (as in '1 video'): video
dk: video
en. videos label (as in '2 videos'): videos
dk: videoer
en: new video label (as in '1 new video'): new video
dk: ny video
en: new videos label (as in '2 new videos'): new videos
dk: nye videoer
en: To save a copy, Right click here and Select "Save Target As..."
dk: For at gemme en kopi, højreklik her og vælg "Gem destination som..."
en: To save a copy, Right click here and Select "Save Link As..."
dk: For at gemme en kopi, højreklik her og vælg "Gem link som..."
On a side note I actually prefer to use the phrase "video clip" instead of just "video" since I believe this is more accurate - at least when it comes to what I will be uploading (my video clips seldomly last more than 30 seconds). Just in case others might think the same I have added the Danish translations for this below also:
en: video label (as in '1 video'): video clip
dk: videoklip
en. videos label (as in '2 videos'): video clips
dk: videoklip
en: new video label (as in '1 new video'): new video clip
dk: nyt videoklip
en: new videos label (as in '2 new videos'): new video clips
dk: nye videoklip
I too value your efforts!
//Thor (Emerpus)
Thanks Thor (Emerpus).
It looks like I'll will releasing an update to SPGM-Vid soon to support "gal-hide.txt". When I do I'll release your Danish and "koltroll's" Swedish translations.
It turns out I also have some corrections to the rest of the (original SPGM) lang.dk file. They are as follows:
# link to SPGM
$cfg['locale']['spgmLink'] = 'Dette galleri er genereret af >SPGM_LINK< programmet';
Change to: 'Dette galleri er genereret af >SPGM_LINK<';
Explanation: Leave out "programmet" since it is unnecessary (same as in English: the SPGM program). Besides, it is grammatically incorrect in Danish to write it in two words, it shold be with a hyphen (SPGM-programmet) if you would want to write it anyway.
# thumbnails navi bar
$cfg['locale']['thumbnailNaviBar'] = 'Side >CURRENT_PAGE< af >NB_PAGES<';
ok (but "Side" should only be capitalized in the beginning of a sentence)
# filter label
$cfg['locale']['filter'] = 'filter';
# filter value for 'new pictures'
$cfg['locale']['filterNew'] = 'nye';
ok (but "nye" only means "new". "New pictures" is translated "nye billeder")
# filter value for 'all pictures'
$cfg['locale']['filterAll'] = 'alle';
ok (but "alle" only means "all". "All pictures" is translated "alle billeder")
# filter value for 'slideshow'
$cfg['locale']['filterSlideshow'] = 'Slideshow';
ok (but "Slideshow" should only be capitalized in the beginning of a sentence)
# pictures navi bar
$cfg['locale']['pictureNaviBar'] = 'Billede >CURRENT_PIC< af >NB_PICS<';
ok (but "Billede" should only be capitalized in the beginning of a sentence)
# picture label (as in '1 picture')
$cfg['locale']['picture'] = 'billede';
# pictures label (as in '2 pictures')
$cfg['locale']['pictures'] = 'billeder';
# new picture label (as in '1 new picture')
$cfg['locale']['newPicture'] = 'nyt billede';
# new pictures label (as in '2 new pictures')
$cfg['locale']['newPictures'] = 'nye billeder';
# new gallery label
$cfg['locale']['newGallery'] = 'nyt galleri';
# main gallery label
$cfg['locale']['rootGallery'] = 'Hoved galleri';
Change to: Hovedgalleri (if it does not begin a sentence do not capitalize the H)
Explanation: In Danish composite nouns are in one word (contrary to English).
Thanks again Emerpus. I will make those updates/corrections as well.
I hope it's not too late. I just started SPGM and SPGM-Vid today and found this thread. Full Turkish translation follows:
# link to SPGM
$cfg['locale']['spgmLink'] = 'Bu galeri >SPGM_LINK< ile oluşturulmuştur.';
# thumbnails navi bar
$cfg['locale']['thumbnailNaviBar'] = 'Sayfa >CURRENT_PAGE< / >NB_PAGES<';
# filter label
$cfg['locale']['filter'] = 'filtre';
# filter value for 'new pictures'
$cfg['locale']['filterNew'] = 'yeni';
# filter value for 'all pictures'
$cfg['locale']['filterAll'] = 'tüm';
# filter value for 'slideshow'
$cfg['locale']['filterSlideshow'] = 'Slideshow';
# pictures navi bar
$cfg['locale']['pictureNaviBar'] = 'Resim >CURRENT_PIC< / >NB_PICS<';
# picture label (as in '1 picture')
$cfg['locale']['picture'] = 'resim';
# pictures label (as in '2 pictures')
$cfg['locale']['pictures'] = 'resimler';
# new picture label (as in '1 new picture')
$cfg['locale']['newPicture'] = 'yeni resim';
# new pictures label (as in '2 new pictures')
$cfg['locale']['newPictures'] = 'yeni resimler';
# new gallery label
$cfg['locale']['newGallery'] = 'yeni galeri';
# main gallery label
$cfg['locale']['rootGallery'] = 'Ana galeri';
# Title for EXIF data screen
$cfg['locale']['exifHeading'] = 'EXIF bilgisi';
# SPGM-Vid Add
# main video gallery label
$cfg['locale']['VideoGallery'] = 'Video galerisi';
# videos navi bar
$cfg['locale']['videoNaviBar'] = 'video >CURRENT_VID< / >NB_VIDS<';
# video label (as in '1 video')
$cfg['locale']['video'] = 'video';
# videos label (as in '2 videos')
$cfg['locale']['videos'] = 'videolar';
# new video label (as in '1 new video')
$cfg['locale']['newVideo'] = 'yeni video';
# new videos label (as in '2 new videos')
$cfg['locale']['newVideos'] = 'yeni videolar';
# save link IE
$cfg['locale']['SaveLinkIETail'] = 'Bilgisayarınıza kaydetmek için, sağ tılayıp "Hedefi farklı kaydet"i seçin.';
# save link NS
$cfg['locale']['SaveLinkNSTail'] = 'Bilgisayarınıza kaydetmek için, sağ tıklayıp "Linki farklı kaydet"i seçin.';
Thanks "yuzgen," I'll add it to the next release.