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(new) LTwisted0.11.0

Started by Lordtwisted, January 04, 2004, 12:02:24 PM

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Finally i am realeseing LTwisted0.11.0 skin. I kept on getting ideas for the skin, new things to add and creat. But i am going to release it. Already working on LTwisted0.12.0 Alot of cool things, and a specila one that is done and i was going to put it in ver 11 but poeple wanted it so it will be in ver 12.

LTwisted0.11.0 has evry thing LTwisted0.10.2 plus:

1. In the LT pic veiwer/calendar the calendar works, click on any date an see a quick agenda for that date and if you have on for the next to.

2. click the clock to change the color/pic. included blck and white clock for difrent backgrounds.

3. added moon phase to the top and if you click the weather icon it will dynamicly change you'r icon set on the fly, Included weather icon sets are LTweather and weather.com(png full)

4. new region in the weather section for sun and moon data( see pic)

5. added support for brightness control in battery+

And some other little changes.

Copy over color3d folder then put LTweatheric and weather.com folders in the weather icons folder, then put the icons folder in the root of todayplus, then i suplied you with .lnk files they might work and some might not depending on you'r ppc, but they are there to help you change them if need be. If you need help search the forums it has been coverd already.

The to main things about the config.exe is keep storrage paths in this order
\SD Card
\iPaq File Store
\CF Card

You might have to change the name to what ever you'r CF/CD/file store is.

the other thing is shortcuts for the battery plus creat apps-5 and put in all the shortcuts, make sure when naming the shortcuts you use the exact name as the .lnk or .exe. I included a pic of it.

If you have anyother qustions about the how to set up config do a search becouse everything has been covered already I don't have the time to go over everything, anything else i will help you with.

The skin is like 95% done i just got to do some little things  nothing to effect how anything works just like some minor alighment and such.

*Please* If you use any part of my skin in you'r own or a realese please give me credit thats all i ask for all the time and effort i put into these skins. Not mentioning no names but i have seen a couble poeple not giving credit. Enjoy the skin!


Here is the pic for the cofig:

Lordtwisted :D


Great job LordTwisted. I really like the agenda with the calendar that is fantastic. Now, just come off the download would you :lol:
Toshiba E800 WM2003 SE
Ipaq 3955 WM2003, SD and CF,Pocket Informant
Dell Axim X5 PPC2002 SD and CF (Wife's)


And here is the .zip file for LTwisted0.11.0

Edit: Thanks to Yogiman I deleted the thumbs.db's now it does fit all in one zip. I was in a rush to get it out don't have much time.
If you downloaded the two zips before you do not have to download again. It is the same skin but put into one zip and no thumbs lol.

Thanks Lordtwisted :D


:wink:   LT   :cool2: Job
Thank you for your excellent work.

I miss the words, because I am not so good in english.

But I try my best to translate your new work to german and my Loox.
Warm greets from cold Switzerland


Hi LT,

If you delete the thumbs.db file in you colors-3d folder maybe you could fit it all into one zip file. That thumbs file is used by windows xp and is not needed for TD+ It's the buggest file in your zip its 540kb !!



PS you've got two more of them in the weather folders.... Its taking up a lot of space on the PPC.
Eat well, Stay fit, Die anyway...



 I might be tough with my typing/spelling.


 Thanks man, I was rushing and forgot all about them thanks. Improved the zip alot lol :D .

Lordtwisted :D  8)  :D


LT: Many thanks for your hard work! Your skin rocks!  :D  
Just a couple of minor issues to report to you:

I realized the Agenda POOM update takes long delay..I had to tap on another button and come back to get out up Update...situation. This also happened in V10.2. Any ideas? - (Slider skin works well)

The Calendar Header 'M T W T F' does not show up! (only red S and blue S show up).

How to make the clock face white as default?

Thanks again!  :D


Thanks dhpss,

QuoteLT: Many thanks for your hard work! Your skin rocks!  
Just a couple of minor issues to report to you:

I realized the Agenda POOM update takes long delay..I had to tap on another button and come back to get out up Update...situation. This also happened in V10.2. Any ideas? - (Slider skin works well)

The Calendar Header 'M T W T F' does not show up! (only red S and blue S show up).

How to make the clock face white as default?

Thanks again!

1. I fixed it in the next version, look for this in the skin:


In region,0 change it to this:


then look for this:


// outlook,5,16,230,112,%var9%,%var8%

in region11 and change the three outlook camands to this:


// outlook,5,16,230,112,%var9%,%var8%,,,,12

2. hmmm do you have you'r day abbreviations set up in the config.exe?
is your background dark? post a screen shot.

3. look for this:



And swich the names around (tclock = tclock1) visea versa.


Quote"2. hmmm do you have you'r day abbreviations set up in the config.exe?
is your background dark? post a screen shot."

Do you know how to set this in Config.exe ? Yes my background is dark.


QuoteYes my background is dark.

It might be becouse the lettering is black so you can't see it? Can you post a screen shot?

Lordtwisted :D


No my background is brown, I can see other black fonts but I don't see the week day header (M T W..). You mentioned about set up abbreviations in Config.exe, I don't know how to do that, what tab or setting in Config.exe? Thx!



Hi Lordtwisted,

Your skin is one of the best, and it makes me switch over from other skins. However, is there anyway to speed up the display of the agenda? When comparing to other skins I found yours is a little bit slow on updating  :(




there is a small bug in the AGENDA section, in the following line:

options,apptallday,0,12,12,%changefont,tahoma,11,%%All Day%tab,34%%changefont,tahoma,11,%%subject%%regularfont%

a % is missing after %All Day%_<-

should be

options,apptallday,0,12,12,%changefont,tahoma,11,%%All Day%%tab,34%%changefont,tahoma,11,%%subject%%regularfont%

