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HammerSkin (general chat to the Skin/off topic)

Started by Motormuis, August 18, 2004, 01:33:10 PM

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Hello all,

I found a nice skin on a german board. I'm using it now and made a dutch translation for it. You can find it here:


Pocket PC: Compaq iPAQ 3950 - WM 2003
Add-On: SD 256Mb - Leadtek GPS Mouse - Brodin CarKit Holder - TomTom3 - TodayPlus 0.11.0 with HammerSkin


That likes very nice and surprisingly similar to LightMan's HandyPlus Pro skin he is working on.  Check out this post on PDA Corps.
Jim H


Mmmm... Indeed, it looks the same.
But it's a nice skin....
Pocket PC: Compaq iPAQ 3950 - WM 2003
Add-On: SD 256Mb - Leadtek GPS Mouse - Brodin CarKit Holder - TomTom3 - TodayPlus 0.11.0 with HammerSkin


Great work Motormuis... would you be willing to translate it into English...???


I didn't make this skin!!! It's from a german guy Wichtel.
I only did the translation.

For now I'm not going to translate this one into english, because I'm taking a 3 weeks holiday without a computer!  :shock:

Maybe after that...
Pocket PC: Compaq iPAQ 3950 - WM 2003
Add-On: SD 256Mb - Leadtek GPS Mouse - Brodin CarKit Holder - TomTom3 - TodayPlus 0.11.0 with HammerSkin


Quote from: "Ripper"Great work Motormuis... would you be willing to translate it into English...???
Even though I don't speak German, it shouldn't be that hard to translate the skin into English.  In fact, I was going to have look at working on it over the weekend.
Jim H


I had to contact Wichtel for the dutch icons, because some of the translated text is hardcoded into the icons. He was more than willing to translate them for me. I did provide him with the correct translation.
Pocket PC: Compaq iPAQ 3950 - WM 2003
Add-On: SD 256Mb - Leadtek GPS Mouse - Brodin CarKit Holder - TomTom3 - TodayPlus 0.11.0 with HammerSkin


Quote from: "Ripper"Great work Motormuis... would you be willing to translate it into English...???

I knew the original work was done by Wichtel... I was just saying iyou did a nice job of translating it... and was hoping you would follow through with an English translation.

As JHollins said... it should not be to difficult to make the switch... it would just be easier if I spoke German...

But its a great find none the less... and if Wichtel is out there... great job... and of course thanks Lightman for the preliminary ground work...


Yes they must have been twins seperated at birth.
Dell Axim X3i, Windows Mobile 2003
512mb Kingston SD card
256mb Lexar SD card
Today Plus
WisBar Advanced


The problems with translation I think will be in the png files. The art work has German on it. So you would have to edit the art also.
Dell Axim X3i, Windows Mobile 2003
512mb Kingston SD card
256mb Lexar SD card
Today Plus
WisBar Advanced


Yep I did most of the changes on the artwork... I was just not sure what the german meant so I guessed. To make it easy for myself I did not change the names on the png files... and I renamed all the pertinent items in the skin. I think I have it about 95% done...

I am just not sure how two of the application buttons work.. the Refresh Arrow... and the Last one... the Blue Button...

I thought one was for the launcher..  but I see that it is on the main screen.



It's a good thing you didn't rename the artwork. For the translation of the artwork I've contacted Wichtel. He translated the artwork into dutch, after I provided the wright text. Maybe you can do the same.

Aktualisierung_main.png            : Updating...
Aktualisierung_Wetter.png         : Updating...
Buttonwechsel.png            : Changing
Iconzeilegross.png            : Loading
Iconzeileklein.png            : Loading
metersbutton.png            : Loading
Wetter_auswahl_popup_button.png         : Loading
Wetter_auswahl_popup_button_abbrechen.png   : Cancelling
Wetter_Button_blau.png            : Loading
Zeitumschaltung_button.png         : Loading
Ortszeitbutton.png: : Load
Wetter_auswahl.png: : Load

Wetternull.png: : Nothing or Empty

The "forced" refresh starts if you are on the first screen and push on the time after "Updated: xx:xx"

The arrow is for the "Shortcut Groups". The first group is presented on the main screen, the second, third, .... are presented after you push the arrow.

The bleu button at the bottom has to function with a set "apps-6" that Wichtel provides on the first link. Getting it to work is not easy (a lot of questions in the german forum).

If you're not sure what a german word mean, please feel free to ask. I speak Dutch, German and English.
Pocket PC: Compaq iPAQ 3950 - WM 2003
Add-On: SD 256Mb - Leadtek GPS Mouse - Brodin CarKit Holder - TomTom3 - TodayPlus 0.11.0 with HammerSkin


It looks like LightMan has discontinued development of HandyPlus Pro, due to all the copies out there. I don't blame him at all. The TP community will be losing a great artist. And a great skin.
Dell Axim X3i, Windows Mobile 2003
512mb Kingston SD card
256mb Lexar SD card
Today Plus
WisBar Advanced


Quote from: "joelw135"It looks like LightMan has discontinued development of HandyPlus Pro, due to all the copies out there. I don't blame him at all. The TP community will be losing a great artist. And a great skin.

Looks like Hammerskin wins after all. Methinks Lightman can still finish his Pro skin.   Shame he didn't have time to finish it earlier. He can sure come up with ideas of how to improve or even transform it completely into something else. I hope he does, as I do like his skins a lot and was looking forward to the Pro skin.

Just me 2p worth!


Thanks Motormuis I really appreciate the help with the english translation... I had done most of the artwork but I think I will redo it all... (and get it right this time)...  I thought the German translation for some of this was re-loading...

I will do the work as I get the chance and when it is complete I will post it here. Along with any questions...

Now if you can figure out where "apps-6" folder is suppose to go... that would help... to start with... and if they ever figure out how to make it work that would be a bonus...