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Hammerskin V 1.05.6 QVGA English

Started by Wichtel, November 25, 2004, 04:35:41 PM

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Here is the Hammerskin Version 1.05.6 QVGA English


Current day and monthly calendar, time, Zodiac Signs. Indication of the upcoming appointments and tasks. Weather forecast for two days. Battery and Memory status. Brightness attitude. RSS Newsticker. 9 Shortcuts.

Indication of the suns and moon stand. Weatherforecast for 4 days. 2 radar views. Moon phases. Zodic Signs Arbitrary number of towns and their radar pictures. 5 different weather icons changeable.

Agenda and Tasks:
Indication of the current and the following calendar month. Appointments and tasks Scrolling.

World times for 6 towns digital and analogous.

RSS Feeds of arbitrary length and number portrayable. Stock exchange charts portrayable.

72 program Shortcuts into 4 categories.

Indication of the system status with Shortcuts for the different attitudes.

Suspend eg Softreset of the device from the today screen.

and many moore

Note: Existing 1.04 Users. You must reload the Images completly new, because some Images have changed

Contained in the Complete Package:
Changelog, Hammerskin.tsk, Radar.exe, Radar.txt, Information to Apps 6, Weather Icons, Images and the Skin.txt

Download complete package

Containend in the Skin.txt only:
Changelog and the Skin.txt

Download Skin.txt only

Questons and Answers in this Topic

Have Fun :mrgreen:
Greetings Wichtel 

miwi-media.com | Web & Screendesign



:dance:   Thanksgiving ....   Christmas ....   Hammerskin 1.05   :dance:

I think I'm in Heaven !!  :angel:

"The most knowledgable person in the world is not the one who possesses the most knowledge, but the one who surrounds themselves with the greatest number of knowledgable people"


Toshiba e750BT, WM 2003, Today Plus 0.11.0, WISbar Adv, Agenda Fusion, Pocket Slides, TomTom



:approve:  grazie danke merci gracias thanx ^^


Quote from: "uk_skinner"-2C, Wow......

And this is still warm, it was already more coldly this Autumn.
Greetings Wichtel 

miwi-media.com | Web & Screendesign


hi Wichtel!

congratulation for your"baby"!  :wink:

I announced its birth on our French forum.  :D


Jim H


Thank you for the praise to everyone.  8)
Greetings Wichtel 

miwi-media.com | Web & Screendesign


Thanks Wichtel...

I will probably want to modify it a bit... but thanks for the English Translation... I have modified the Zodiac Symbols that were posted previously... and resized them... so I thought I would post them for those that would like them.

Thanks again...


Thanks a lot, Witchel, for your work.
My friends and i, on our forum in french, are always enjoy with your skin.

We work a lot on it, and we try to modify it for our utilities.... If you can, come to visit our forum, and look waht some people have do, like Thc and Tetsuo....  :wink:


Quote from: "Lukep"Thanks a lot, Witchel, for your work.
My friends and i, on our forum in french, are always enjoy with your skin.

We work a lot on it, and we try to modify it for our utilities.... If you can, come to visit our forum, and look waht some people have do, like Thc and Tetsuo....  :wink:

Hi Lukep
I visit the French Forum every 2-3 Days.  I haven't arrived lately to write contributions, though. But I absolutely am informed what everything makes to her there.
If somebody does something with TD+, then I know this. :wink:
Greetings Wichtel 

miwi-media.com | Web & Screendesign


Quote from: "Lukep"Thanks a lot, Witchel, for your work.
My friends and i, on our forum in french, are always enjoy with your skin.

We work a lot on it, and we try to modify it for our utilities.... If you can, come to visit our forum, and look waht some people have do, like Thc and Tetsuo....  :wink:

Lukep (or thc),

With google I tried to find the forum you ment, but that's not easy... I'm a totaly stranger in this part of the world...

Can you, please, give me your forum url, and, maybe some other French forums with TodayPlus subjects? Would be nice!

Toshiba e750BT, WM 2003, Today Plus 0.11.0, WISbar Adv, Agenda Fusion, Pocket Slides, TomTom


Hi Timmy...

You will find our forum here...

Have a good trip :wink: