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UniSkin 1.0 (By ZapMe1)

Started by ZapMe1, January 16, 2005, 08:11:32 PM

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UniSkin 1.0    

Hi Everyone,

Finally I'm done with my new skin, and would like to share it with all who want it !!   I call it "UniSkin", which is another way of saying "oneskin"..  I came up with this name because I have put most Everything TP has to offer into this skin !!  Much time has gone into this skin, and it has been tested in both v.11 & v.12, and works Great on my device !!  I can only hope that you all get great use and enjoyment from it...  (I know I do !!)

First of all I want to say THANK YOU !!!!

To: UK_SKINNER - For many hours he has helped me with ideas & troubleshooting..  For his donation of ImageViewer, many .exe files he has created, some new code never before seen, and his willingness to spend his time helping all....  Thanks !!

To: WICHTEL - For allowing me to use a few of his images in my skin, and helping me to "squash" a few bugs along the way !!

To: GEEZER - For allowing me to use his "Great" Zodiac pics, and working with me on skin issues we both had !!

To: EEMOND - For his donation of his PHP Scripts, that many of us now use !!

To: JHOLLIN - For providing this Great Forum, and making all this Fun Possible !!

Also Thanks To: ROTALUS - For the Great Radar.exe........  To: TIMMY - For his contributions and some nice Icon Images
And thanks to Everyone out there who contributes to the Great TodayPlus+ ! ! ! ! !

Ok, Lets get started !!  The next few posts will show screenshots of my skin, with a detailed instruction of its function..  I know there will be many questions, cause my skin is "very busy" and packed with features..  Try it, and then "ask", I am online almost daily !!
The "UniSkin.txt" file and all the associated images will be attached in this first post !!!

Although this skin works well in my device without problems, I cannot guarantee the same for everyone else !!

1)  "UniSkin"  =  /Todayplus/Images
2)  "Radar2"  =  /Todayplus/Images
3)  "Traffic"  =  /Todayplus/Images
4)  "Photo"  =  /Todayplus/Images
5)  "Zodiac"  =  /Todayplus/Images
6)  "Apps 8 Uniskin"  =  /Todayplus/Images
7)  "Weather Icons"  =  /Todayplus/Weather Icons  (Place individual icon sets in Weather Icons Folder)

* "UniSkin.txt" skin file is placed in /Todayplus/Skins

> Needed Programs and Misc Files:
1)  "ImageViewer" - Needed for display of Radar & Traffic Images..  Available for download on this forum !!
2)  "IMVclose.exe" - Needed to close the displayed image when leaving sections of the skin..  Available for download on this forum , and stored in the ImageViewer Folder !!
3)  "Radar.exe & Radar.txt" - Needed for image download and updating..  Stored in \my documents folder.. Included with this skin
4)  "IMVwinControl02.exe" - Needed in traffic section to move map to the rear of the display, and show description..  Available for download on this forum, and stored in the ImageViewer Folder !!

The following Posts will show screenshots of my skin, and give detail on use..  There instructions are also packaged with the skin.txt file !   Sorry the quality is not so good on the screenshots..  When converted to .gif file, the quality degraded..  Looks much better on ppc !!

Update #1: 1/17/05 - Fixed Radar Path in Skin !   The Path does still point to "Storage Card2, which is where I have TP stored !  If this is different on your device, the path in the Radar section of the skin must be changed.. Please ask if you need help with this...

Update #2: 1/17/05 - No Longer Needed !!

Update #3: 1/20/05 - UniSkin 1.0.1 - Skin Revision[/color] = Bug Fix on Main page with system "popup bubbles", which would Freeze TP when another button was pressed..  Deleted un-needed code lines throughout skin..  Changed Radar Code Path, from "storage card2" to "program files" !!  PLEASE DOWNLOAD UNISKIN 1.0.1.TXT, IF ORIGINAL WAS DOWNLOADED BEFORE THIS DATE...

Update #4: 3/26/05 - Skin file was Deleted by accident during forum crash..  It has been re-attached below, and is the same file as before !  For all that already have it, there is no need to re-download !!  If downloading for the first time, this is needed with the rest of the package !

Get the Goodies Here !!    

Get "Uniskin" Images Here >http://todayplus.jhollin1138.com/files/uk_skinner/UniSkin_1.0_Images.zip

Get ImageViewer & associated files Here  !
For Traffic & Movie Theater ID Info, see This Post !

"The most knowledgable person in the world is not the one who possesses the most knowledge, but the one who surrounds themselves with the greatest number of knowledgable people"



1)  Displays the "Shortcut" Group [Name]..  There are (3) groups setup in the skin, and each can contain up to 18 shortcuts..  The groups represent the first (3) positions of the shortcuts tab in the config file...

2)  "Today Theme" is a button which, when pressed, will display the background image for the current selected Today Screen Theme, as set up in the settings of the device...

3)  "Updated xx:am/pm" is a button which, when pressed, will update the Weather and RSS sections...

4)  "City [Name]" is a button which, when pressed, will toggle between, and display, the cities as entered in the config file...

5)  "Battery / UpTime" display will auto toggle between the two displays..  Also a button, that will open the battery display in the settings section of the device...

6)  "Left / Right Arrows" will change the background theme to one of (5) preinstalled backgrounds, which are stored in the main UniSkin folder, and named as 1-5.png..  They are 240x269 pics, and can be replaced to the owners preference...

7)  "Up / Down Arrows" will switch between the (3) groups of shortcuts that are available on most screens...

8]  "System Display Buttons", when pressed, will display a quick view of Prog. Memory, Storage Memory, SD Card, CF Card, shown in a "Popup Bubble"...

9)  "Calendar Display Button", when pressed, will display a calendar with changable months in a "Popup Bubble"...

10)  "System Bubble Display", shows Total, Free, & Used system info..  "X" will close, or bubble will close automaticlly when page refreshes...

11)  "Calendar Display Bubble", has changable months, "X" or page refresh to close, and refresh button to return to current date...

"The most knowledgable person in the world is not the one who possesses the most knowledge, but the one who surrounds themselves with the greatest number of knowledgable people"



1)  "Week Display" - Displays current week of the year..

2)  "Day Didplay" - Displays current day of the year..

3)  "Title Bar Text" - This is a button, when pressed, will toggle current Day & Week of the year to "Remaining" Days & Weeks left in the current year..

4)  "Up / Down Arrows" - Will scroll POOM filters (5) Days forward or backwards..

5)  "Calendar Image" - This is a button, when pressed, will display a "Popup Bubble" of a Calendar..

"The most knowledgable person in the world is not the one who possesses the most knowledge, but the one who surrounds themselves with the greatest number of knowledgable people"



1)  "City Display Button" - Tap to choose and change city and associated weather info..  Skin is setup for (4) cities in the config file...

2)  "Weather Icon Changer" - Image Button, when pressed, will change between displayed weather image icons..   Weather Icon sets can be replaced to the owners preference, and renamed in the skin...

3)  "Update Time" - Displays last update time, and when tapped, will update weather and RSS sections...

4)  "Sun Rise Display" - In TPv.11, this will do nothing..  In TPv.12, the sun image will Rise & Set behind the mountains during the daytime hours, and change to a Moon & Star background image after sunset..  Skin code is commented-out for TP version not used...

5)  "Radar Button" - Tap to change display to the Radar section...

6)  "Forecast Button" - Tap to change display to the Weather / Moon Forecast section...

7)  "Traffic Button" - Tap to change to the Traffic info section...

8]  "X-Button" - Tap to close Weather / Moon Forecast section, and return to Main Weather Page...

9)  "Forecast (Page-1)" - Displays Forecast info for days 1,2,3...

10)  "Forecast (Page-2)" - Displays Forecast info for days 4, & 5, and Moon Forecast...

11)  "Moon Phase Forecast" - Displays Moon Phase images and dates..  This info will automatically change on the first day after the "Last Quarter Moon Phase" each month, and display the following months info...

"The most knowledgable person in the world is not the one who possesses the most knowledge, but the one who surrounds themselves with the greatest number of knowledgable people"



1)  "Radar Refresh Button" - Tap to download current images using Radar.exe & Radar.txt...

2)  "X-Button" - Tap to close Radar section and return to Main Weather Page...

3)  "Radar / Satellite Thumbnails" - Thumbnail buttons to change map display..  Include: "National Satellite, Regional Satellite, National Radar, Regional Radar, & Local Radar"..  Thumbnail pic size =28x20..  Map pic size is defined in ".IMV" file..  Map and thumbnail pics can be replaced to the owners preference...

4)  "ImageViewer Program" - Image adjustment settings for ImageViewer Program...

"The most knowledgable person in the world is not the one who possesses the most knowledge, but the one who surrounds themselves with the greatest number of knowledgable people"



1)  "Traffic RSS Titles" - Displayed (5) titles for traffic accident and construction info...

2)  "X-Button" - When tapped will close the Traffic RSS section and return to the Main Weather Page...

3)  "Traffic Refresh" - Button, which when pressed, will update all images as per Radar.exe & Radar.txt...

4)  "Up / Down Arrows" - Will change the available RSS Traffic titles.. (5) titles are displayed on each page, with (15) total available...

5)  "Refresh Button" - Will Refresh the current display...

6)  "Traffic Image" - Displayed image using "ImageViewer" for current downloaded traffic map...

7)  "RSS Description" - When any RSS title is tapped, the associated description will replace the map image..  Tap again anywhere in the description area to return to the current traffic map...

"The most knowledgable person in the world is not the one who possesses the most knowledge, but the one who surrounds themselves with the greatest number of knowledgable people"



1)  "Page Change Button" - Tap to change page for available RSS titles.. (5) titles are displayed for each page...

2)  "RSS Group Image" - Tap to change between (3) RSS Groups..  Include "News, Movie & Forum, Zodiac...

3)  "Left / Right Arrow Buttons" - Change between available RSS Feeds within each Group...

4)  "Update Time" - Displays last update time..  Tap to update feeds (will also update weather)...

5)  "RSS URL Connect" - Tap to connect to URL for the displayed RSS feed thru PIE..  When connected, "Red Dot" will turn "Green"...

6)  "Up / Down Arrows" - Tap to change display for additional RSS titles..  (5) titles are displayed for each page...

7)  "Zodiac Sign Thumbnails" - Exotic pics for each zodiac sign, when tapped go to the Horoscope page for that sign..  (PLEASE NOTE:  These pics are "R" rated, and are not for everyone..  Anyone offended by this can comment out this area in the code !)

8] "Zodiac Sign Horoscope" - Page with current Horoscope for the selected sign...

"The most knowledgable person in the world is not the one who possesses the most knowledge, but the one who surrounds themselves with the greatest number of knowledgable people"



1)  "Battery Info" - Displays Battery info, and when tapped, will open the system battery section in device settings...

2)  "BackLight Button" - Button, when pressed, will open the system Backlight adjustment in device settings...

3)  "Program / Storage" - Displays full info on system Program & Storage Memory..  Tap on images to open system memory section in device settings...

4)  "SD & CF Cards" - Displays full info on SD & CF Cards installed.. Tap on images to open storage card section in device settings...

"The most knowledgable person in the world is not the one who possesses the most knowledge, but the one who surrounds themselves with the greatest number of knowledgable people"



1)  "Clock Image Display" - Time display for (6) cities as setup in the config file..  Tap anywhere on the display to open the device clock setting section in the device settings...

2)  "Left / Right Arrows" - Will change display between Analog and Digital clock images..  Additional images will be available in future skin revisions...

"The most knowledgable person in the world is not the one who possesses the most knowledge, but the one who surrounds themselves with the greatest number of knowledgable people"



1)  "Left / Right Arrow Buttons" - Changes display between (3) groups of (6) Picture Thumbnails.. 18 total pics are available in the album at this time..  Additional code can be added to expand to unlimited...

2)  "Photo Thumbnails" - Tap on thumbnails to display the pic..  Pics and thumbnails are contained in the "Photo" folder, and can be replaced to the owners preference..  Pics are named "Pic1, Pic2,..etc", and thumbnails are named "Pic1_Thumb, Pic2_Thumb,...etc"..  Thumbnail size =25x25..  Pic size =178x210...

"The most knowledgable person in the world is not the one who possesses the most knowledge, but the one who surrounds themselves with the greatest number of knowledgable people"



1) "City Setup" - Section in config file for cities to be displayed within the skin...

2) & 3)  "RSS Feed Setup" - RSS Feeds used within UniSkin, include (in order) as follows:
* RSS-1 = "Top News Stories" = http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/topstories
* RSS-2 = "World News" = http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/world
* RSS-3 = "Stocks" = http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/stocks
* RSS-4 = "Technology" = http://rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/tech
* RSS-5 = "TP Forum" = http://www.jhollin1138.com/forums/rss.php
* RSS-6 = "Movies" = http://todayplus.jhollin1138.com/rss/listings_rss.php?theater1=(enter your own local movie therter ID here)
* RSS-7 = "Movie Review" = http://feeds.feedburner.com/moovgoog-onlinemovieguide
* RSS-8 = "Horoscope" = http://www.live-astro.com/partner/pages/daily.rss
* RSS-9 = "Traffic Report" = http://todayplus.jhollin1138.com/rss/traffic_rss.php?metro1=col

4) "Shortcut Groups" - Group 1,2,3 can be named anything at the owners preference, and will contain 18 shortcuts each for display on most screens within the skin...

5)  "Add Shortcuts" - Add 18 Program Shortcuts for each of Groups 1,2,& 3..  Less can be added, however it is suggested to fill all 18 positions for each group so that the skin design will look correct !!

6) "Apps-8 Group" - Create a group in the 8th position, and name "apps 8"  This is very important for proper shortcut function in the skin...

7)  "Apps-8 Shortcut Files" - Enter the name and Proper Path which points to the "apps 8 folder location" in your device, for each shortcut..  This is needed to open device settings for each item...

8]  "Calendar POOM" - Enter catagories as follows:
Position-1 = 365,       ...  Nothing else
Position-2 = 365,[catagories]="Business"
Position-3 = 365,[catagories]="Personal"
Position-4 = 365,[catagories]="Anniversaries"

9)  "Tasks POOM" - Enter catagories as follows:
Position-1 = 365,[overdue],         .... Nothing Else
Position-2 = 365,[overdue][sort-duedate],[catagories]="Business"
Position-3 = 365,[overdue][sort-duedate],[catagories]="Personal"
Position-4 = 365,[overdue][sort-duedate],[catagories]="Jobs"
Position-5 = 365,[overdue][sort-duedate],[catagories]="Schedule"

"The most knowledgable person in the world is not the one who possesses the most knowledge, but the one who surrounds themselves with the greatest number of knowledgable people"


Great job!!!!
I wish I could say more but my English is limited..

I am glad your skin finally out..



My english is great and Im speachless  :shock:
Great job Zapme! :D
Some of you have a vast knowledge of computers, I'm only half vast.


Greetings Wichtel 

miwi-media.com | Web & Screendesign


:o Great stuff man, thankz. Going to install it now  :D