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Visible winddirection

Started by Timmy, January 15, 2005, 11:30:40 AM

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Quote from: "rbg08"Broesel, I like your new pop-up screen layout.  Makes me want to start skinning again. :wink:

Thanks rbg08, that is a skin I've been started long ago, but did not really
had time to finish it (Windows98-look and feel)

So now I'm using it to test all the new things uk_skinner gave us




Quote from: "Broesel"So this is, what I could do with the temperature-bar.

Don't know, if anybody finds that useful (Well maybe with a better graphic)

See the screenshot ...



I was sure you could fix this, and now it's reality! Thanks for your efforts!!! It looks nice! Again a new feature!

Question: is there realy no way of making this vertical?!? Like the Wisbar Advance batterymeter?!?

Toshiba e750BT, WM 2003, Today Plus 0.11.0, WISbar Adv, Agenda Fusion, Pocket Slides, TomTom


Quote from: "Timmy"
Question: is there realy no way of making this vertical?!? Like the Wiabar Advance batterymeter?!?

No, I can't do that with a barmeter, the only way, I could think off,
is a picture for every temperature (like the winddirection), so this
would work like winddir with a pic for every variable-value.
So if we assume a value in Celsius from -20 to + 40 that would be
60 pictures for that. I think, that is a little much stuff ?
Okay, if you won't have it that much accurate maybe wit a value every
2 degrees it would be about 30 pic's.

Greetings Broesel


Quote from: "Broesel"
Quote from: "Timmy"
Question: is there realy no way of making this vertical?!? Like the Wiabar Advance batterymeter?!?

No, I can't do that with a barmeter, the only way, I could think off,
is a picture for every temperature (like the winddirection), so this
would work like winddir with a pic for every variable-value.
So if we assume a value in Celsius from -20 to + 40 that would be
60 pictures for that. I think, that is a little much stuff ?
Okay, if you won't have it that much accurate maybe wit a value every
2 degrees it would be about 30 pic's.

Greetings Broesel

I was thinking that too.  But we need to get temperature into registry key, isn't it?


QuoteHere's the announcement ...

... of a new pics artist, called ...

.... ZapMe1

ZapMe1, congratulations!


Now I understand what your thougts were!

But at the same time I have two questions for you: isn't the pointer confusing us, as you think automatic about winddirections/compass?!? And the second question: isn't it a aist of the screen space?!? Because there need to be another pic for the direction... I think uk_skinner had a better idea at this point: direction AND windspeed are in ONE pic!

What do you think?

I do agree with you on both of the above questions !!   1) the pointers could be confusing...   2) I also like the idea of "speed" inside of the direction pic !!   Another great idea by the "Exe_Master"  (aka Uk_Skinner)

"The most knowledgable person in the world is not the one who possesses the most knowledge, but the one who surrounds themselves with the greatest number of knowledgable people"


Quote from: "uk_skinner"
I was thinking that too.  But we need to get temperature into registry key, isn't it?

Yes, we do  8)

I created them with a registryeditor and putted values to test into them.

Greetings Broesel


Quote from: "Broesel"
Quote from: "Timmy"
Question: is there realy no way of making this vertical?!? Like the Wiabar Advance batterymeter?!?

No, I can't do that with a barmeter, the only way, I could think off,
is a picture for every temperature (like the winddirection), so this
would work like winddir with a pic for every variable-value.
So if we assume a value in Celsius from -20 to + 40 that would be
60 pictures for that. I think, that is a little much stuff ?
Okay, if you won't have it that much accurate maybe wit a value every
2 degrees it would be about 30 pic's.

Greetings Broesel


I'll put it on my To-do-list. But first I'm working out the new winddirection backgrounds. Hope to finish them this weekend.

By the way: I've just finished a new serie of weather icons. Hope, people like them!

Toshiba e750BT, WM 2003, Today Plus 0.11.0, WISbar Adv, Agenda Fusion, Pocket Slides, TomTom


@Broesel and @other members,

I was looking at the thermometer, too. But there are some problems. It's not possible to make ànd a little pic, ànd at the same time enough readable measure-lines. So it don't add no valuable things to the PocketPC screen, and it's only wasted space.

But nevertheless I'm willing to make a thermometer for the interested members. Please let me know if you're interested.

Toshiba e750BT, WM 2003, Today Plus 0.11.0, WISbar Adv, Agenda Fusion, Pocket Slides, TomTom


Quote from: "Timmy"
@Broesel and @other members,

I was looking at the thermometer, too. But there are some problems. It's not possible to make ànd a little pic, ànd at the same time enough readable measure-lines. So it don't add no valuable things to the PocketPC screen, and it's only wasted space.

But nevertheless I'm willing to make a thermometer for the interested members. Please let me know if you're interested.


Well, Timmy, I think for now it is not neccessary to make that pics
(well not for me of course), when I get time, I will test a little more
with the barmeter, we'll see ....

Thanks for asking