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TodayPlus Internationalization

Started by eemond, February 08, 2005, 05:14:33 PM

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Thanks for the translation, here's the German Language File.




I have been giving some thought to Wichtel's concerns about the different length of words for each language (Set: and Untergang:). What if we use the German Skin since when I look at the CSV file I shared with you, it looks like in most cases, the German text has the most characters per word, when compared to the English translation.

What do you think?

Do you have a skin similar to the TPSkinout_002A (Hammerskin 1.05.2 QVGA) that I am using for my testing that I may use?




Quote from: "eemond"Broesel,

What if we use the German Skin since when I look at the CSV file I shared with you, it looks like in most cases, the German text has the most characters per word, when compared to the English translation.

That's right, the German text is longer most of the time

QuoteWhat do you think?

No problem, tell me what you need

QuoteDo you have a skin similar to the TPSkinout_002A (Hammerskin 1.05.2 QVGA) that I am using for my testing that I may use?

pm me your email, will take a look, what we can use ...

Regards Broesel


Quote from: "Broesel"

pm me your email, will take a look, what we can use ...

Email is out ...

Regards Broesel