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Temperature charts

Started by Timmy, February 21, 2005, 02:57:24 PM

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EDIT: febr. 22, 2005 --> new pics
EDIT: febr. 23, 2005 --> new pic-names and added 'Feels like' pics


In this thread I'll post the Temperature charts.   The idea was born on some other threads of this forum. At least uk_skinner and Broesel were the great initiators, maybe more members, but I don't remember their names at this moment. Thank you, guys!

:arrow:  :arrow:  :arrow:   In this post you can find the Celcius-chart-files.   :arrow:  :arrow:  :arrow:

This is an example of some of the temperature-backgrounds:

•  The chart is ment for 24 hours-temperature. If you wish, you can (of course!!) make textlines for only 12 hours in your skinfile.
•  Write the necessary textlines in your skinfile and put the desired temperature-background somewhere in your skin. You also can add some text around the chart, if you wish, for example "Celcius" or some temmperatures or whatever you like;
•  After you've written the textlines necessary to show the temperature background, you can write the textlines for the pointer-pic of the first hour, the pointer-pic for the second hour and so on, untill the 24th hour.
•  Do you want the 'Feels like' pics on the foreground?? Then you have to write the skin-textlines after the temperature-pics.

==> You need uk_skinner's .exe to get the temperature of the 24 hours in the registry of your PCC. The thread that tells you more about this, you can find here .

:arrow:    The Celsius.zip files for VGA PocketPC's are here
:arrow:    And the Celsius.zip files for QVGA PocketPC's are here

I've numbered the pointer-pics from -22°C (-22.png) to 40°C (40.png). I'm not sure if this will remain the picture-list in the future, because at the moment we are discussing what's the best numbering-list and what the best and most easy names are. I'll keep you informed.

Toshiba e750BT, WM 2003, Today Plus 0.11.0, WISbar Adv, Agenda Fusion, Pocket Slides, TomTom



:arrow:  :arrow:  :arrow:   In this post you can find the Fahrenheit-chart-files.   :arrow:  :arrow:  :arrow:

•  Please, see the first post for more details.
•  You need uk_skinner's .exe to get the temperature of the 24 hours in the registry of your PCC. The thread that tells you more about this, you can find here .

:arrow:    The Fahrenheit.zip files for VGA PocketPC's are here
:arrow:    And the Fahrenheit.zip files for QVGA PocketPC's are here

I've numbered the pointer-pics from -9°F (-9.png) to 104°F (104.png). I'm not sure if this will remain the picture-list in the future, because at the moment we are discussing what's the best numbering-list and what the best and most easy names are. I'll keep you informed.

Toshiba e750BT, WM 2003, Today Plus 0.11.0, WISbar Adv, Agenda Fusion, Pocket Slides, TomTom



:approve:  :clap:  :clap:

Again, great work....

Just finished the PHP script  for  hourly forecast .  The data will give you up to 48 hours of hourly forecast.  However, iyou also can specify the window.  In other words, you can have every 1, or 2, or 3.......47 hour forecast.



 Just downloaded your VGA package.  The size of background is 233x100 for VGA.  And your scale is from -20C to 63C right?  

 I have something in my mind and I would like to test it.  Would it be possible you can send me just dot images no transparency strip?  Thanks.


Quote from: "uk_skinner"Timmy:

:approve:  :clap:  :clap:

Again, great work....

Really, good work  :D  :D  :D

Thanks again Timmy

Regards Broesel


Quote from: "uk_skinner"Timmy:

 Just downloaded your VGA package.  The size of background is 233x100 for VGA.  And your scale is from -20C to 63C right?
Uk_skinner, that's right!

Quote from: "uk_skinner"I have something in my mind and I would like to test it.  Would it be possible you can send me just dot images no transparency strip?  Thanks.
That's possible. Gonna work at that job.

Toshiba e750BT, WM 2003, Today Plus 0.11.0, WISbar Adv, Agenda Fusion, Pocket Slides, TomTom


Jep, very good work Timmy :clap:
Greetings Wichtel 

miwi-media.com | Web & Screendesign


QuoteThat's possible. Gonna work at that job.

Thanks, Timmy, I did not mean to get you extra work. :oops:

I am using the 480 X 300 for temperature chart and so far I only up for 12 hours.   :lol:


Quote from: "uk_skinner"Timmy:

 I have something in my mind and I would like to test it.  Would it be possible you can send me just dot images no transparency strip?  Thanks.


Here are the pointers without the transparancy strip. They are now 10x10 pixels. I hope you can use them for your plans...

Toshiba e750BT, WM 2003, Today Plus 0.11.0, WISbar Adv, Agenda Fusion, Pocket Slides, TomTom


@Uk_skinner, @Broesel and @Wichtel,

I'm glad you like the things I've done.

And you all know it: this time I gave you things, another time you gave me things! That's why I like workplaces like this and some other forums!!!

Toshiba e750BT, WM 2003, Today Plus 0.11.0, WISbar Adv, Agenda Fusion, Pocket Slides, TomTom



Your pointers worked great.

But I need to confess again that I am no good in art.  But with Timmy's works I can just try to express the idea.  Here it is.  I hope some great skinner out there can make it better.   :oops:  :oops:



This is what I want to do for my own skin:

While testing, I noticed some points to improve these backgrounds:
•  the innerside (blue to yellow) must be somewhat lighter;
•  the x-line can remain where it is, but the little graduation-lines must disappear to make the background more universal.

Toshiba e750BT, WM 2003, Today Plus 0.11.0, WISbar Adv, Agenda Fusion, Pocket Slides, TomTom



As I wasn't satisfied with the result of my first serie, so I rebuild the backgrounds and the pointers:

•  The innerside (blue to yellow) of the backgrounds is more clear now.
• the x-line can remained where it was, but the little graduation-lines are deleted to make the background more universal.
•  The demensions of the backgounds are changed to 183x52 pixels (QVGA) and to 276x104 (VGA).
•  The demensions of the pointers are changed to 4x42 pixels (QVGA) and to 8x84 (VGA).

Toshiba e750BT, WM 2003, Today Plus 0.11.0, WISbar Adv, Agenda Fusion, Pocket Slides, TomTom



I've finished the Fahrenheit-pics. You vcan find them in the second post of this thread.

Toshiba e750BT, WM 2003, Today Plus 0.11.0, WISbar Adv, Agenda Fusion, Pocket Slides, TomTom


"Outstanding" Work once again Mr. TP Artist !!  
Great Job.......!

"The most knowledgable person in the world is not the one who possesses the most knowledge, but the one who surrounds themselves with the greatest number of knowledgable people"