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Temperature charts

Started by Timmy, February 21, 2005, 02:57:24 PM

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Hey Timmy,

you named the pics for negative values t=1.png .... and so on.

I think it would be easyier to call them in the skin, if you name them
t-1.png, t-2.png ..... because if you do not so, you have to call them via
if, then ... else commands and with that name you can say t%varx%.png

Regards Broesel


Quote from: "ZapMe1""Outstanding" Work once again Mr. TP Artist !!  
Great Job.......!


Thank you for your kind words, and specially for your nice Rembrandt van Rhijn smiley!  (Explanation: Rembrandt van Rhijn was one of our greatists painters.) I feel honnered, as you can guess...

Toshiba e750BT, WM 2003, Today Plus 0.11.0, WISbar Adv, Agenda Fusion, Pocket Slides, TomTom



 Do you look like Rembrandt van Rhijn?   :roll:



You do nice work !!  Maybe you are a distant Relative !!!  :wink:

"The most knowledgable person in the world is not the one who possesses the most knowledge, but the one who surrounds themselves with the greatest number of knowledgable people"


Quote from: "uk_skinner"Timmy:

 Do you look like Rembrandt van Rhijn?   :roll:


No, no, no ...  I don't look like Rembrandt, no, no ...   not at all...  But thanks for that nice idea... I can sleep well this night, I'm sure!

ZapMe1 didn't ever see me, so his imagination goes FAR ABOVE the reality...

Toshiba e750BT, WM 2003, Today Plus 0.11.0, WISbar Adv, Agenda Fusion, Pocket Slides, TomTom


Quote from: "Broesel"Hey Timmy,

you named the pics for negative values t=1.png .... and so on.

I think it would be easyier to call them in the skin, if you name them
t-1.png, t-2.png ..... because if you do not so, you have to call them via
if, then ... else commands and with that name you can say t%varx%.png

Regards Broesel


These are the tips I'm waiting for!  Thanks for your good suggestion! Keep in mind that I'm a real dummy (I am honnest!), so I need this kind of help! This is the solution for me:  't%varx%.png' and I'm gonna do it that way.

Tomorrow I'll change the names of the pics like you suggested, and upload them.

Thanks again!
Sorry Uk_skinner, by re-reading your last thread I saw you already gave that tip, too...  I didn't see it before...
Toshiba e750BT, WM 2003, Today Plus 0.11.0, WISbar Adv, Agenda Fusion, Pocket Slides, TomTom



I've renamed all the pic-names:
t-23.png  ...  t40.png for Celcius Temperature
f-23.png  ...  f40.png for Celcius Feels like

t-9.png  ...   t104.png for Fahrenheit Temperature
f-9.png  ...   f104.png for Fahrenheit Feels like

As you can see, I've added 'Feels like' pics. An example ànd the downloads you can find in the first post.

Toshiba e750BT, WM 2003, Today Plus 0.11.0, WISbar Adv, Agenda Fusion, Pocket Slides, TomTom



 Please check this: http://www.tpfans.com/rss/TpTempchart.php?Citycode=NLXX0019&Para=20,20,360,150&U=C

I "stole" this concept from Weather Panel :oops:  :lol: . The idea is to generate a chart image using PHP then you can download the image using the radar.exe

This is still a "draft".  I will try to:

1)  Size adjustable. --> Done Para=x,y,width,height
2)  F or C --> Done U=C
3)  Day of week in other language
4)  Transparency background, then you lay it out on your nice background you created. --> Done
5) temp lable or not lable
6) Hourly temperature chart up to 48 hours? -->Done see below
7) Any other wish?

Yes, you still can use the temp pointers, once the size and position are determined.

Edit:  Hourly temp chart:


Quote from: "uk_skinner"This is still a "draft".

uk_skinner: This is not a draft, this is .......   whow ......

:D :D :D

QuoteAny other wish?

Can we have wishes after we get new things nearly every day :?: :?:

Thanks this is :P :P :P

Regards Broesel



I'm realy impressed, again...

Two month ago you started to give us a Chrismas present (EZ_download), and you did'n't stop since that time to give us new presents... Where will this stop???


As I said more: I see you have an inventive mind with brilliant ideas! Good, to have you here.

•  I think this is much easier for skinners than temperatuercharts and temperature points, isn't it?
•  We don't need TpHRForecast.exe, am I right?
•  I have a special place on mu PocketPC screen where I like to have the PHP-temperaturechart. Can you PHP work with certain demensions? Or is ther only one demension?
Toshiba e750BT, WM 2003, Today Plus 0.11.0, WISbar Adv, Agenda Fusion, Pocket Slides, TomTom


Quote from: "Timmy"
•  I think this is much easier for skinners than temperatuercharts and temperature points, isn't it?

Yes, it is easier :D

Quote•  We don't need TpHRForecast.exe, am I right?

We don't need id for the temperaturecharts, if you want to display the
temperatures otherwise, you still need it.

Regards Broesel


broesel and Timmy, thanks. for the good words.  :oops:

QuoteI have a special place on mu PocketPC screen where I like to have the PHP-temperaturechart. Can you PHP work with certain demensions? Or is ther only one demension?

You can specify the dimensions using "Para=".  There are 4 numbers in it.  The first two are offsets of (x,y).  You need some space to have the "number" for the y-axis.  The default is (20,20).  The thrid and forth numbers are (width, height) of the chart.  The  example I gave you was (360x150).  The actual size will be a little biger since the space also needs for the time label at x-axis.  

The width of the chart: x_offset + width + 25 = 20+360 +25 = 405
The height of the chart:y_offset + height + 25 = 20+150+25 = 195

At this moment, the size of font was fixed.  There are only 5 different sizes available in defaul PHP.  The ones I used for "hour" t x-axis in hourly chart was the smallest one.  

To convert to C, you just need to use "U=C", otherwise the default is "F".

Let me know you wish to add other other parameters.

QuoteWe don't need id for the temperaturecharts, if you want to display the
temperatures otherwise, you still need it.

broesel, again, you were right.  If you only need the chart, you only need to use radar.exe to download the image.


In temperature chart (not hourly), you can spceify the size of the font for "Day of week".  The font size is only 1 - 5.  And the format of DOW (Day of week) can be specified as "X", "XX" or "XXX".  For example:


Quote from: "uk_skinner"The idea is to generate a chart image using PHP then you can download the image using the radar.exe

How do we have to store it as an image  :?:  This is a point, I'm not clear
over. Could you show, how the lines have to be in the radar.txt ?

Regards Broesel


Quote from: "Broesel"
Quote from: "uk_skinner"The idea is to generate a chart image using PHP then you can download the image using the radar.exe

How do we have to store it as an image  :?:  This is a point, I'm not clear
over. Could you show, how the lines have to be in the radar.txt ?

Regards Broesel

Sorry, how could I forgot this important thing. :oops:  :roll:  :lol:
Here is an example:

STOR=\My Documents\Radar\r1.png

The image format is png.  And it should have transparency background.



I've tested every changeble item of this line:
and saw that everything was working well!


Can you check if my thoughts are right?
•  in my skintextlines I write the textlines to put down the temperaturechart-pic, downloaded by radar.
•  the inner site of my temperaturebackground-pic I make transparant
•  in my skintextlines I write the next textlines, to put down the temperaturebackground-pic
•  on my PPC-screen I see uk_skinners temperaturechart and my backgroundpic is as a painting list around it

Toshiba e750BT, WM 2003, Today Plus 0.11.0, WISbar Adv, Agenda Fusion, Pocket Slides, TomTom