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Attention Spammers!

Started by jhollin1138, April 13, 2006, 09:21:47 AM

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We have been hit allot lately by spammers.  Any suspected spammer registering on the forum will have their account removed without warning.

If you feel your account has been removed unjustly, feel free to contact the forum administrator.
Jim H


As some of our regular members may be aware, we are being hit with spammers.  On average I remove at least 5 new members a day that are suspected of being spammers.  I have installed numerous forum mods to try and slow them down.  Everything I put in place soon gets circumvented by the spammers.

I am considering going away from phpBB2.  I am currently evaluating some alternatives.  At a minimum, the new forum software will have to have a converter from phpBB2.  Hopefully, if and when I change over everything will transfer fine.

Look for a future announcement on the future of this forum.
Jim H


Since I haven't had any free time to work on the new forum, I had to install a few more anti-spammer mods.  Hopefully they will help until I can get some free time.
Jim H