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Different movies and one thumbnail

Started by magicseb007, March 08, 2007, 07:33:40 AM

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I would like to know if it were possible to associate one thumbnail (like _thb_movie.jpg) with several vidéos without having the error message: " path+file : no associated thumbnail or insufficient permissions"  :think:

Thanks :pray:


You should just have to update the "spgm.thm" file in the "flavors/default" directory (assuming you are using the default theme).  Find the section that looks like this:# default thumbnail for Media Player Videos
$spgm_cfg['theme']['MPVideoTHB'] = 'thb_mp.jpg';

# default thumbnail for QuickTime Videos
$spgm_cfg['theme']['QTVideoTHB'] = 'thb_qt.jpg';

# default thumbnail for Real Player Videos
$spgm_cfg['theme']['RPVideoTHB'] = 'thb_rp.jpg';

# default thumbnail for Shockwave Player Videos
$spgm_cfg['theme']['SWVideoTHB'] = 'thb_sw.jpg';
and replace it with this:# default thumbnail for Media Player Videos
$spgm_cfg['theme']['MPVideoTHB'] = '_thb_movie.jpg';

# default thumbnail for QuickTime Videos
$spgm_cfg['theme']['QTVideoTHB'] = '_thb_movie.jpg';

# default thumbnail for Real Player Videos
$spgm_cfg['theme']['RPVideoTHB'] = '_thb_movie.jpg';

# default thumbnail for Shockwave Player Videos
$spgm_cfg['theme']['SWVideoTHB'] = '_thb_movie.jpg';

You will also need to save the thumbnail you want to use in the same folder as your "spgm.thm" file.
Jim H


Ok, it isn't what i think. To speak in english isn't my best point.

What I would it's have a same little picture in a gallery for my video (like an icon "Flash" for swf, an icon "Quick Time" for mov, ...).

I have do this, my video file is video.swf and my icon is "_thb_flash.jpg" but i have the message "path+file : no associated thumbnail or insufficient permissions" because my video file haven't a little picture like "_thb_video.jpg"

Anybody has an idea ?


So you would like to have a different thumbnail for each video?

If so let's say you have a video named "xyz.wmv" and another video named "123.wmv".  You would need to have a thumbnail for each video, in the same folder as the videos, "_thb_xyz.jpg" and "_thb_123.jpg".  Now instead of the default thumbnail images displaying for Windows Media Videos, you will get a different thumbnail for each video.
Jim H


I have "xyz.swf" and "123.swf" and "_thb_flash.jpg". It's the same little picture for the 2 files. That, it's ok.

But when I load my gallery, the error message say that I haven't little picture for my swf files like "_thb_xyz.jpg" and "_thb_123.jpg". Normal because my little picture is "_thb_flash.jpg" and I would like to not have this error message.

Is it explicit ?


It might help if you had a link, but I think I understand what you are asking.  What you are asking is can you have a different default thumbnail then the the one I have provided.

The answer is yes. Just rename your thumbnail to "thb_sw.jpg" and replace the default flash thumbnail I provided in the "flavors/default" directory.  With this change, flash videos will have your thumbnail as the default and not the one I have provided.
Jim H


What I would have is in image_1 and what i have is in image_2.
In the first picture, I have 3 files :

and in the second picture, i have only this files :

and i would like that _thb_flash.jpg is the little picture for all my *.flv movies

PS : I have add *.flv with the others extensions

I could be explain with more details but it's in french.