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Calendar Skin V.10.0

Started by Blazingwolf, November 16, 2003, 10:41:13 AM

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Calendar skin has been updated.  I have added Battery+ by Lordtwisted. All new features of version 10 work. I have also included icons to get to some of your system properties(About,Remove Programs,Today setup, etc.).

Installation instructions:
Place skin in skin file
Replace config file with this one.
Place CPLIcons.dll in the \Windows folder.
Place Colors-3D in images folder.
Place Washington Post in weather icons folder.
Place ba+icons and Sytem icons folders in the TodayPlus folder. (You can move if you wish but make sure you change the path in the config file)
You might need to edit the SD and CF card icons in Battery+ to have them see your cards properly. See this thread to find out how.
Make sure you download the CalendarPlusicons.zip in the next post.
Post questions.
Toshiba E800 WM2003 SE
Ipaq 3955 WM2003, SD and CF,Pocket Informant
Dell Axim X5 PPC2002 SD and CF (Wife's)


This is the system Icons, Battrey+ icons and Cplicons.dll. Sorry I ahd to split the zip due to it being to large. Just download this also and follow the above instructions.
Toshiba E800 WM2003 SE
Ipaq 3955 WM2003, SD and CF,Pocket Informant
Dell Axim X5 PPC2002 SD and CF (Wife's)


3 early questions:

1. Is each launcher category limited to 10 items (no right/left arrow)?
2. What's the icon between the module expansion icon and the refresh icon?
3. Is there an easy was to arrange the launcher to always be just below the top module?




Quote from: "rebecker"3 early questions:

1. Is each launcher category limited to 10 items (no right/left arrow)?
2. What's the icon between the module expansion icon and the refresh icon?
3. Is there an easy was to arrange the launcher to always be just below the top module?



1. It is possible to add in the left/right arrows to have 2 or more pages. However, srs changed the coding for the launcher. I don't usually have more then 40 icons to put up so didn't make any changes to what was done. I will look at it and see if I can get the 2nd page back up.
2. That is a version 10 icon. If you have the down arrow visible each section will take up a portion of the screen. If you have the up arrow visible then rss, weather and clocks will rotate in 1 region.
3. Yes. Cut and Paste the launcher section(region16) which is at the very end of the skin and put it in before the weather section. This should put it below region0(calendar section)
Toshiba E800 WM2003 SE
Ipaq 3955 WM2003, SD and CF,Pocket Informant
Dell Axim X5 PPC2002 SD and CF (Wife's)


Hi, I adore its skin and changed to the version plus today, but the agenda this not showing task and others itens. It appears a black balloon and qdo I go to see the calendar, also appears in black. Use Pocket informant and outlook express, debtor for the attention and congratulations
Dell Axim X5 pocket ppc 2003, 64 of ram, 128 SD, 256 CF


Hello, the person who wrote this post had the same problem. you might be able to make the same changes. You could also try changing your today theme(although I am not sure this will work). Hope this helps.
Toshiba E800 WM2003 SE
Ipaq 3955 WM2003, SD and CF,Pocket Informant
Dell Axim X5 PPC2002 SD and CF (Wife's)


Quote1. It is possible to add in the left/right arrows to have 2 or more pages. However, srs changed the coding for the launcher. I don't usually have more then 40 icons to put up so didn't make any changes to what was done. I will look at it and see if I can get the 2nd page back up.
2. That is a version 10 icon. If you have the down arrow visible each section will take up a portion of the screen. If you have the up arrow visible then rss, weather and clocks will rotate in 1 region.
3. Yes. Cut and Paste the launcher section(region16) which is at the very end of the skin and put it in before the weather section. This should put it below region0(calendar section)

I don't need the arrows either. Just curious.

I really like the up/down arrow. I prefer 1 module at a time.

Can't find the launcher section  :?  It should be in the calendarplus.txt, right? I don't see any region 16 or reference to launcher.

Thanks for another great "starter" skin for me.  :twisted:  :wink: I'm sure I'll be bugging you as I modify it.



Quote from: "rebecker"
I don't need the arrows either. Just curious.

I really like the up/down arrow. I prefer 1 module at a time.

Can't find the launcher section  :?  It should be in the calendarplus.txt, right? I don't see any region 16 or reference to launcher.

Thanks for another great "starter" skin for me.  :twisted:  :wink: I'm sure I'll be bugging you as I modify it.


I should have put in something to identify it. Sorry about that. The start will look like this:




It is litterally the last part of the skin just under the POOM section. Also I moved it like you suggeted to just below the zero region and it causes some problems with the weather, RSS and clock section. This only happens when you have the up arrow visible. If you put below this section all is ok. I will have to look and see what changes are needed.
Toshiba E800 WM2003 SE
Ipaq 3955 WM2003, SD and CF,Pocket Informant
Dell Axim X5 PPC2002 SD and CF (Wife's)


First, I just want to say how thankful and impressed I am with everyone's work on all the skin upgrades (as well as on the newly revised version of TP) as I am now able to replace all my various Today page utilities with just one; even as a beta, it blows away all the combinations of individual products.

Now I have one question, and I want to make especially sure that no one takes this as a critique (because its not): what are you guys using as a text editor? Everytime I download a config.txt (or calendarplus.txt) for example, tabs and spaces are intermixed within the if/else/endif structures, etc. shoving the line contents all over the screen. I've already built the beginnings of a "pretty-printer" script for my own editor just so I can make some sense of all the changes everyone is creating, but if there is some common editor that most people are using (please don't let it be PW), I'm willing to convert it so that I'm on the same track are the rest of you.


Thank you very much Blazingwolf, perfectly worked!!!! I'm loved this skin, again congratulations for the excellent work!
Dell Axim X5 pocket ppc 2003, 64 of ram, 128 SD, 256 CF


I just noticed that my past due tasks are not showing. Anyone else have that issue?



I just played a bit with this skin and like it a lot. Good work!

Just one question: how do I enable the details for the CF-Card? If I click on the bar the "File Store" details are shown?!
[size=9]iPAQ 2210, 512 MB CF[/size]


you may have a look at the original Battery+ Thread.
Lordtwisted posted there a file called ba+10.zip which should inlcude what you are looking for (he added Page 400 to Region 9)

Hope this helps.
Calvin: "People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."
Hobbes: "Isn't your pants' zipper supposed to be in the front?"


Quote from: "corphack"
Now I have one question, and I want to make especially sure that no one takes this as a critique (because its not): what are you guys using as a text editor? Everytime I download a config.txt (or calendarplus.txt) for example, tabs and spaces are intermixed within the if/else/endif structures, etc. shoving the line contents all over the screen. I've already built the beginnings of a "pretty-printer" script for my own editor just so I can make some sense of all the changes everyone is creating, but if there is some common editor that most people are using (please don't let it be PW), I'm willing to convert it so that I'm on the same track are the rest of you.

I use Notepad. Basic but works.

Quote from: "rebecker"I just noticed that my past due tasks are not showing. Anyone else have that issue?

In tasks? Or Agenda? Mine show up in the task catagory but I believe they are filtered out of agenda.

Quote from: "Urbanus"Just one question: how do I enable the details for the CF-Card? If I click on the bar the "File Store" details are shown?!

Check to make sure that the pathway to your CF card is correct in the config file and the skin. You might also look in the batteryPlus posts in the New Skins/Graphics section.
Toshiba E800 WM2003 SE
Ipaq 3955 WM2003, SD and CF,Pocket Informant
Dell Axim X5 PPC2002 SD and CF (Wife's)



1. How do I get PI to be the default program when I click on an item? I noticed the line "options,poom,pi" in your old version, but just adding it didn't work.

2. I changed line positions and now the checking of a completed task takes 30+ seconds to show. Here's the line I changed:

options,taskcomplete,0,12,12,%iconstart,222%%sensitivityicon,-10,1,private sensitivity.png,normal sensitivity,t%%recurrenceicon,-10,1,recurrence.png,t%%remindericon,-10,1,reminder.png,t%%iconstart,-3%%priorityicon,-10,1,low priority.png,normal priority.png,high priority.png,t%%changefont,tahoma,11,s%%checkbox,5,0,12,12,checkbox.png,checkedbox.png,t%%tab,18%%subject%%changefont,tahoma,12,%

What else needs to be changed?

