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Recombinant Skin 0110

Started by ya1950, December 18, 2003, 02:16:39 PM

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Ok. Here are 2 new versions of the skin which should be compatable with the latest version of Today+. I've added the new sunrise and sunset commands. One version also includes the moon phases - otherwise everything should work the same as in the old version.

Installation should be straigthforward. Just unzip everything, keeping the subdirectory structure intact. In the new configuration utility you have to create five groups. The first four are for the launcher. The fifth should contain all the links from the shortcuts folder in the following order:

- clock
- powerg
- Memory
- CFMemory
- Backlight
- Restart

The order is important or else the shortcuts won't work correctly.

Once again many thanks to rbgo8 for the OSX skin which this is based on, arbitrajeu for the system area, fishboy for the launcher, and lightman for the clocks, and especially to srs for creating Today+. Each update gets better and better!

Here are the screen shots and the attached file:


Update 12/31:

Due to the various tweaks of this skin, I'm reposting the zip to make it easier for new users. It now includes one version with the moon phases as well as one without.


Edit by jhollin1138: See this post for the attached files, I think.


Great and cool job ya1950 !

I just can't find the config.txt file in the zip to download... :cry:

and is there a way to put the owner picture somewhere ?

Thank's anyhow for your time !


Quote from: "didune"Great and cool job ya1950 !

I just can't find the config.txt file in the zip to download... :cry:

and is there a way to put the owner picture somewhere ?

Thank's anyhow for your time !

There is no config.txt in version.11.0. you need to set it up in the config.exe which you access with the file explorer.
Toshiba E800 WM2003 SE
Ipaq 3955 WM2003, SD and CF,Pocket Informant
Dell Axim X5 PPC2002 SD and CF (Wife's)


A readme of some sort wouldn't hurt for new'ish users.

I unzipped keeping the directory structure intact initially and realized you meant the sub directory structure, as I otherwise didn't see the skin as an option.  However if I unzip the file so that it's subdirectories decompress their contents into the default install subdirectories I'm still having problems even though the skin is 'selectable'.

I'm sure that there are some major steps that I'm missing. Steps that most people figure are 'intuitive' but so far I'm having a hard time even finding a manual or doc so I can apply RTFM skills.

Any suggestions?

Specifically my problem is that I have a white background and appear to be missing other graphical elements as well.  Is there a truckload of configuration that I need to do before using this skin/theme?

*Ok, figured out that the background was just a transparency issue as I was looking at the app, not the today screen.   I still appear to have a ton of stuff unconfigured though.



You're right that it's kind of hard to get the hang of this, especially in the beginning. Remember however that Today+ is still in Beta form. You've just joined the ranks of us Beta testers  :)

From your description you need to configure the program first. Navigate to the TodayPlus folder with explorer and open the file config.exe. This should give you the options for configuring it to your location as well as setting up the launcher and other shortcuts. I think you have to be connected to the internet to get the correct weather codes for your city. Also Blazingwolf posted this link which will give you the lat & long for sunrise/sunset calculations:


That should get you started. Ask away if you need help.


This topic was discussed in the previous version. Read through this thread:


There you will find two possible ways to add the information you want.



What command in config do you use to call the shortcuts in the skin?
Dell Axim X3i, Windows Mobile 2003
512mb Kingston SD card
256mb Lexar SD card
Today Plus
WisBar Advanced


The code to call the shortcuts is:


where the first letter is the group and the second is the shortcut as defined by the configuration utility



Great skin ya1950.Love it so much!

within a day, I finish all my twitching and config.But I got one silly question.How to use the POOM >POOm App>Category Icons
and POOM Filters>Calendar  & Tasks.

How to use it?



I assume you are asking about the new config utility. I'm not completely sure of this either and I don't want to steer you wrong so we'll both have to wait for the updated reference guide. In the meantime you could look at the agenda section in the slider skin that installs with Today+. There srs uses calendar and task filters which I assume are based on the new utility.



Thanks ya1950...will do for now :)


Hi ya1950,

I very much like your Recombinant Skin!  Need your help on a couple of areas.

1. The Sunrise/Sunset time as indicated on the Main screen seems unreasonable.  According to the info that I obtained from www.heaven-above.com, I put Lat:22.283 and Long:114.150 (Hong Kong) using the config utility. In addition, I changed Sys Reg to reflect the same Lat/Long data since config doesn't accept them.  Hey, it seems everything runs on the right track as Sunrise/set time really show up.  But, they are 05:39 and 07:04 respectively, means the sun rises for only 1.5 hr. and disappears.  The real sunrise/set time in my area should be 06:58 and 17:44.  Am I wrong in setting something? (I have cleared up buffer data and tried several times, still get the same problem.)

2. I happen to hit on the percentage box next to the battery icon, my machine shuts off.  It seems the power off (powerg.lnk) function has moved up there.  When I hit on the bulb (backlight) icon, I've got no response.  I know N10 has different backlight configuration than Ipaq and I would rather quit this feature.  ya1950, could you please tell me an alternative to let go the bulb icon but put a power off feature to take its place.

Thanks for your help.




a. There is a small bug in the configuration utility. The values for lat and long are not saved in the registry. Srs has suggested that after entering the values you have to move to another dialog box on that screen and tap it in order to get the values to save. If you have a registry tool you can check to see that they have been saved. The registry key is HKEY_CURRENT_USER,Software,SRSSoft,TodayPlus,coords. There you should find a string value '1' that contains the values for long & lat. If it's empty you can manually enter them into the registry.

b. The longitude value for Hong Kong may be need to be a negative number. See this thread for a discussion of this:


c. Open the skin in a text editor and find the following 2 lines:


Change them to:


Hopefully that will get you the right values for your location.

2. The skin is coded to use the shortcuts in the shortcut folder that I've included in the zip. These work with my machine, an Ipaq 2210, and won't work with other PPC's. On my machine the meter by the battery calls the battery application to check how much battery power is left. You can change the shortcuts in the shortcut folder to anything you want. For instance if you know the shortcut for the backlight on your machine, just name it backlight.lnk and replace the backlight shortcut that I supplied with your own.

To get the lightbulb to be associated with power off, just put a shortcut for poweroff on your machine in the shortcut folder and use the configuration utility to put it in the fifth group in place of the backlight shortcut.

BTW, this is the great advantage of the configuration utility over previous versions - much easier to make these changes without having to mess with the config file!

Hope this helps,


any particular reason of changing the "astronomical" to "official"?Wat is the purpose for ya1950? Kinda curious  :oops:


I'm not completely sure about the differences between astronomical, official, nautical, and civil. Apparently these are all different ways to calculate sunrise and sunset depending upon where the sun is in relation to the horizon. All of them are supported by the new version. I know that for my location using official gave a more accurate sunrise/sunset calculation. That's why I suggested he try it. Srs uses civil in his slider skin. Fishboy seems to understand this best. Maybe if you post in the help section he will set us all straight.  :)



Thanks ya1950 for your informative advice.  I've got problem no. 1 solved by changing "astronomical" to "official".   Sunrise/set time show 06:57 and 05:45 respectively, but could there be a way to put them in 24-hr format (just to avoid misleading!)

Problem #2, I am now trying to find the most suitable link for the backlight to work.

Thank you ya1950!  :lol: