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SPGM-Vid Translations Needed!

Started by jhollin1138, May 01, 2005, 03:20:18 PM

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It turns out I also have some corrections to the rest of the (original SPGM) lang.dk file. They are as follows:


# link to SPGM
$cfg['locale']['spgmLink'] = 'Dette galleri er genereret af >SPGM_LINK< programmet';

Change to: 'Dette galleri er genereret af >SPGM_LINK<';
Explanation: Leave out "programmet" since it is unnecessary (same as in English: the SPGM program). Besides, it is grammatically incorrect in Danish to write it in two words, it shold be with a hyphen (SPGM-programmet) if you would want to write it anyway.

# thumbnails navi bar
$cfg['locale']['thumbnailNaviBar']  = 'Side >CURRENT_PAGE< af >NB_PAGES<';

ok (but "Side" should only be capitalized in the beginning of a sentence)

# filter label
$cfg['locale']['filter'] = 'filter';


# filter value for 'new pictures'
$cfg['locale']['filterNew'] = 'nye';

ok (but "nye" only means "new". "New pictures" is translated "nye billeder")

# filter value for 'all pictures'
$cfg['locale']['filterAll'] = 'alle';

ok (but "alle" only means "all". "All pictures" is translated "alle billeder")

# filter value for 'slideshow'
$cfg['locale']['filterSlideshow'] = 'Slideshow';

ok (but "Slideshow" should only be capitalized in the beginning of a sentence)

# pictures navi bar
$cfg['locale']['pictureNaviBar'] = 'Billede >CURRENT_PIC< af >NB_PICS<';

ok (but "Billede" should only be capitalized in the beginning of a sentence)

# picture label (as in '1 picture')
$cfg['locale']['picture'] = 'billede';


# pictures label (as in '2 pictures')
$cfg['locale']['pictures'] = 'billeder';


# new picture label (as in '1 new picture')
$cfg['locale']['newPicture'] = 'nyt billede';


# new pictures label (as in '2 new pictures')
$cfg['locale']['newPictures'] = 'nye billeder';


# new gallery label
$cfg['locale']['newGallery'] = 'nyt galleri';


# main gallery label
$cfg['locale']['rootGallery'] = 'Hoved galleri';

Change to: Hovedgalleri (if it does not begin a sentence do not capitalize the H)
Explanation: In Danish composite nouns are in one word (contrary to English).


Thanks again Emerpus.  I will make those updates/corrections as well.
Jim H


I hope it's not too late. I just started SPGM and SPGM-Vid today and found this thread. Full Turkish translation follows:


# link to SPGM
$cfg['locale']['spgmLink'] = 'Bu galeri >SPGM_LINK< ile oluşturulmuştur.';

# thumbnails navi bar
$cfg['locale']['thumbnailNaviBar']  = 'Sayfa >CURRENT_PAGE< / >NB_PAGES<';

# filter label
$cfg['locale']['filter'] = 'filtre';

# filter value for 'new pictures'
$cfg['locale']['filterNew'] = 'yeni';

# filter value for 'all pictures'
$cfg['locale']['filterAll'] = 'tüm';

# filter value for 'slideshow'
$cfg['locale']['filterSlideshow'] = 'Slideshow';

# pictures navi bar
$cfg['locale']['pictureNaviBar'] = 'Resim >CURRENT_PIC< / >NB_PICS<';

# picture label (as in '1 picture')
$cfg['locale']['picture'] = 'resim';

# pictures label (as in '2 pictures')
$cfg['locale']['pictures'] = 'resimler';

# new picture label (as in '1 new picture')
$cfg['locale']['newPicture'] = 'yeni resim';

# new pictures label (as in '2 new pictures')
$cfg['locale']['newPictures'] = 'yeni resimler';

# new gallery label
$cfg['locale']['newGallery'] = 'yeni galeri';

# main gallery label
$cfg['locale']['rootGallery'] = 'Ana galeri';

# Title for EXIF data screen
$cfg['locale']['exifHeading'] = 'EXIF bilgisi';

# SPGM-Vid Add
# main video gallery label
$cfg['locale']['VideoGallery'] = 'Video galerisi';

# videos navi bar
$cfg['locale']['videoNaviBar'] = 'video >CURRENT_VID< / >NB_VIDS<';

# video label (as in '1 video')
$cfg['locale']['video'] = 'video';

# videos label (as in '2 videos')
$cfg['locale']['videos'] = 'videolar';

# new video label (as in '1 new video')
$cfg['locale']['newVideo'] = 'yeni video';

# new videos label (as in '2 new videos')
$cfg['locale']['newVideos'] = 'yeni videolar';

# save link IE
$cfg['locale']['SaveLinkIETail'] = 'Bilgisayarınıza kaydetmek için, sağ tılayıp "Hedefi farklı kaydet"i seçin.';

# save link NS
$cfg['locale']['SaveLinkNSTail'] = 'Bilgisayarınıza kaydetmek için, sağ tıklayıp "Linki farklı kaydet"i seçin.';



Thanks "yuzgen," I'll add it to the next release.
Jim H